The CRMOW is the same make and model bus that Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. It is, however, equipped with state of the art audio digital technology so that riders on the CRMOW can see actual footage of the civil rights protests in the 1950s and 1960s. In addition, the audio system allows people to hear the inspiring speeches and actual interviews from the leaders (e.g. MKL Jr., Rosa Parks, President Johnson, etc.) who were right in the middle of it all when it was actually happening.

The CRMOW also features a pictorial time line which identifies significant events in the civil rights movement – from Jackie Robinson breaking the color barrier in Major League Baseball to the swearing in of Barack Obama as our nation’s first African American President.
The CRMOW has visited regional schools, festivals, parks, malls and has even traveled as far as the state of Florida to educate and inspire adults and children regarding America’s civil rights struggles and successes.